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Frank Wallingsford’s roots are steeped in Virginia’s rich history. The Wallingsford family had a plantation on the banks of the Potomac River where, over the years, they grew peanuts and tobacco. They have a history of famous political figures in their family, most notably our first president, George Washington.
Frank Wallingsford has carried on this tradition with great success. He studied Public Policy at George Washington University. Then, as a cum laude graduate of the University of Virginia’s Law School, he put his ideals into action, going on to fight for human rights. From veterans to Native Americans. This is how Frank Wallingsford became the people's congressman.
Ironically, as history would have it, many generations ago the Wallingsford Family had dozens of slaves, and this is something that Congressman Wallingsford has acknowledged with great responsibility. He is a steadfast supporter of reparations to African Americans. The bottom line is that Frank Wallingsford is here for you, to ensure that all Americans live quality lives borne of the American Dream.
On the board of The George & Charlotte Wallingsford Family Trust Scholarship
Congressman Wallingsford's desire to make the world a better place is only equaled by his ability to make it happen.
There’s a reason a new party made it into the forefront of the national platform. The anti-partisan party, just as George Washington himself hoped would be the case for our nation. Here we are working on progressive economic reform that will restore America as a global powerhouse and make her stronger than ever.
We have to come up with a way to regulate it and use it for our own good, until then it is far too dangerous. It’s the Wild West right now, and if we don’t lasso it in, it could be the beginning of the end.
We need to act now or there will be no tomorrow. If we don’t accept progress, humanity’s stamp on world history will. Pipelines and transportation of volatile materials across US soil is absolutely unacceptable under every circumstance.
In George Washington’s farewell speech he stressed his hope that we would not become a partisan country. I believe that the Gray Party is the solution to end the partisan system. Created in California and adopted swiftly by the most progressive states in the Nation, including Virginia, The Gray Party has ushered in a new generation of hope.
It is in my fiber to take a stand against injustices and stand up for what is right. I strongly oppose conversion therapy. You can count on me not to waver on my support for the medical care and housing of our veterans, and Native Americans' rights under treaty obligations.
Great strides have been made with women's rights in the past several decades. In the spirit of progress, I find it imperative that we forever uphold a woman’s reproductive rights. These are our mothers, daughters, wives, sisters and grandmothers that I stand behind.
Privacy is an American right. Any threat to that by the government should be deemed an act of treason. Tech companies shall not be required to infringe on and/or hand over personal information on subscribers.
The use of AI warfare is a threat to humanity. This needs to be highly regulated in every sector— from drones to biologically engineered living species.